Spiced Molasses Cookies

Freshly baked curry molasses cookies.

Freshly baked curry molasses cookies.

These cookies are crispy, chewy, subtly spicy, and addictive. My take on an old time Holiday favorite, and a spin on the traditional ginger molasses cookie. Sonoko Curry Powder works its magic in these, adding depth of flavor and warmth. 

They can be made from scratch or with the help of our pre-measured cookie mix. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

YIELD 36 Cookies


For the cookie dough:

To roll the cookies in:


  1. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper.

  2. In a large bowl combine “Cane Sugar” pouch contents, melted butter, molasses, and egg. Place the “dry ingredients” pouch contents in a medium bowl and whisk to combine.

  3. Add dry ingredients to the butter mixture and stir until well combined.

  4. Cover the dough and chill it in the refrigerator until it hardens, about 1 hour.*

  5. When you are ready to bake, preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

  6. Scoop out dough with a tablespoon measuring spoon and roll into 1 inch balls.

  7. Place the “cookie topping” pouch contents in a small bowl and combine with a fork. Roll each ball of dough in the mixture until lightly coated. Place cookies on a parchment-lined baking sheet about 2” apart and gently flatten each into a disc using the bottom of a glass or jar.

  8. Bake for 9-13 minutes, rotating the tray half-way through. If you would like a chewier cookie, bake cookie closer to 8-9 minutes. For a crispier cookie, bake for 12-13 minutes. Cookies should still be slightly soft in the center and puffy. They will firm-up and deflate as they cool. Cool for about five minutes and then remove from the cookie sheet and continue cooling on a rack.

  9. Bake for 8-9 minutes, rotating the tray half-way through. Cookies should still be slightly soft in the center and puffy. They will firm-up and deflate as they cool. Cool for about five minutes and then remove from the cookie sheet and continue cooling on a rack.

*At this point, your unbaked cookie dough can be formed into logs, wrapped tightly in plastic or foil, and refrigerated or frozen for later use. If baking dough from frozen add an extra minute to the total oven time.

Recipe developed in collaboration with Daniela Swamp.

Daniela Swamp

Daniela Swamp is a 33 year old chef residing in Los Angeles. She is of Puerto Rican and Native American Mohawk descent. Having grown up in Puerto Rico, raised by her mom and grandmother, her cuisine draws from Afro-Caribbean and Spanish influences while mixing with the rich and vast culinary possibilities that California has to offer. In her early years of cooking an inexplicable urge, bordering obsession, fueled her passion for teaching herself how to cook from the tiny kitchen in her LA studio apartment. Having the advantage of plentiful latino markets nearby, she was able to work with ingredients she grew up eating in her Puerto Rican grandmother's cooking while experimenting and learning from other things available in this vast city. 

Her formal training includes a stint at The New School of Cooking, providing independent catering services on independent film sets, and full time kitchen work at a small Californian gourmet food company. It was during this time that she was able to learn and grow on the job. With trial, error, and guidance from her talented peers she was able to develop into the well-rounded and creative chef she is now. By combining her rich background, personal style, professional experience, and gut instinct Daniela has been able to create a culinary style that is uniquely her own.

Today she is a professional pasta maker, private chef, and creative culinary force. As part of Sonoko Sakai’s team she has helped develop creative and unique recipes bringing some fun and unbound experimentation to Sonoko's kitchen. She is proud to showcase her most recent developments in the upcoming Curry Gone Sweet Webinar where she’ll share her recipes for Curried Molasses Cookies and Curried Coconut Pumpkin Muffins, both developed in collaboration with Sonoko’s creative team.


Curry Pumpkin Crumble Muffins (V)


Sonoko Chicken Curry